
Workplace Health and Safety



Workplace health and safety for the café and restaurant industry - Australian Hospitality United Association

Industry: Café and restaurant industry
Runtime: 28 mins 48s
Learn about general workplace health and safety issues in the café and restaurant industry. Everyone working in the industry is legally responsible for looking after their own health and safety, that of their workers and others affected by their work.

This video shows some safety procedures to consider for manual tasks, slips, trips and falls, using machinery and equipment, hazardous substances, electrical safety, working with hot objects, working with noise, using knives, fire, heat stress, personal security and violence at work, workplace harassment and young workers.

Cafe Online

Welcome to Workplace Health and Safety Queensland's Interactive Cafe - The Hazards of Hospitality.
You work in a cafe, restaurant or fast food outlet. You probably think you have a nice safe job. Think again. How much do you really know about the hazards in your workplace? Hospitality can be very risky business!
To get started select one of the blue triangles to navigate your way around our online cafe.

Cafe Online

Changing focus - The Gavan McGuane story

Industry: Hospitality
Runtime: 13 mins 09s
Work safe. Home safe.

The hospitality industry faces injuries every day. A simple trip on a mat can leave a person with a serious debilitating injury for the rest of their life. Gavan’s story is truly heart-breaking because it could have been prevented.

A serious workplace accident changed the course of Gavan's life forever and left him with only 20 per cent vision in one eye.

"I think of it all the time. How my children's life would be if they had received the phone call… that I didn't come home from the job sixteen years ago because of a work accident.
"I really think that it would have be a horrific thing for my family to hear."
Think about what it is you do and don't put yourself at risk just to get something completed five seconds faster than it would have otherwise been.

Changing focus - The Gavan McGuane story


Workplace Health and Safety Student Program.

Welcome to the Safety Sense General component, an on-line health and safety induction package for secondary school students undertaking work placements and work experience as part of their school curriculum.This general package is designed to help young people improve their knowledge and understanding of workplace health and safety issues before they enter the workplace. It is also useful for young people who are already in the workplace.  
Workplace Health and Safety Student Program   Hospitality and Tourism Industry.

If you complete this package successfully you will receive an on-line Safety Sense Certificate issued by the Department of Industrial Relations. This Safety Sense Certificate recognises your understanding of basic occupational health and safety in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry and prepares you for your experience in workplaces.   
Safety Sense 

You'd better wash those hands!

Uploaded by on Oct 16, 2007
A parody of The Beatles' "I Wanna Hold Your Hand," as performed by Carl Winter.

(c) Copyright 2007. Carl Winter, Food Safety Music. UC Davis.